This program is an AutoCAD Add-in for the purpose of a design, drafting and multiplication of the steel frame.
Based on the data of the axis of the wireframe, steel frame be built with a solid object automatically.
Divide steel frame
Divide steel frame
Divide steel frame
Runs on : AutoCAD 2013~
Programing Language : C#
Application Programing interface(API) : AutoCAD .NET API
Draw coil spring
Draw spring
Autocad add-in for the drawing of the coil spring
Base Product : ZWCAD, AutoCAD, BricsCAD
Programing Language : C++
Draw roller chain
Draw chain
Autocad add-in for the drawing of the chain and sprockets
Calclate cross-section proprety
Calclate cross-section proprety
Calclate cross-section proprety
AutoCAD Add-in that allows calculating geometry characteristics of the features
(morment of inertia of area, section modulus, etc.)